Blog 12 – Food

Andre Anais

Quote#1: “Every living animal takes in food, metabolizes it to extract energy and nutrients, and discharges wastes.”

This quote stood out to me because that is really the cycle of how our life form works. All these motions we go through serve a purpose and is beneficial to something in someway. We consume our food then convert it to nutrients and lastly discharge the waste. All food for the human race comes from agriculture or harvesting seafood. Agriculture puts a science to growing food, cultivating soil, or raising livestock. Just to throw in a fun fact there is also organic agriculture, where all you do is not utilize any fertilizer or pesticides and rely on other biological outlooks. Almost all food for the human race comes from agriculture or harvesting seafood.

Tractor on farmland

Quote#2: ” In the 1960s and 1970s, the so-called green revolution introduced the technology of industrial agriculture, with chemical fertilizers, pesticides, irrigation, and hybrid seeds.”

Chemical fertilizers, pesticides, hybrid seeds, and pesticide are all extremely detrimental to the environment. I know they pretty much all serve a purpose in making human life easier but in that process we are killing the environment. This basically reinstates what the green revolution was. Furthermore the green revolution had a good amount of environmental costs and did not aid with worldwide hunger. Due to this, millions of people are dying of starvation right before our eyes as some of us sit comfortably and worry about the smallest issues. It also has damaged soil, ecosystems, and water.

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Quote #3: ” In the next century the world’s population will continue to grow, from 7 billion to over 9 billion by 2050, to over 11 billion by 2100 (US Census Bureau 2015), with all that growth occurring in cities.”

I honestly believe that this quote is dumbfounding and has to be acted on quickly. According to the book the human race is moving so rapidly that just within this century the population growth will almost triple. If that were to actually to happen the amount of food for everybody would become slim to none eventually. To avoid food becoming scarce or non-existant and making it even harder to live then it already is farming would have to expand and the food and hunting amount would have to raise at an exponential rate.

Image result for growing population

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